Vinophila 3D Wine Expo - The Metaverse for Wine, Beer and Alcoholic Beverages

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Wine, socializing and wellbeing.

Lawyer Diego Saluzzo – UGIVI President

This is the title of the next conference that UGIVI – Unione Giuristi della Vite e del Vino, will hold on Saturday 28 September at the Grinzane Cavour Castle with the collaboration of the Enoteca Regionale Piemontese Cavour, the Accademia di Agricoltura di Torino and OICCE, and which has been accredited by Assoenologi and the competent Bar Association.

A title as ambitious as it is necessary at a time when the recommendations of the World Health Organization are to avoid alcohol altogether, while other studies support the advantages of moderate consumption also for the health, and not only for the spirit, of people. Despite the trends of reduction in consumption that have been underway for some years and the current difficult market situation, it is unlikely to imagine a world without alcohol tout-court. Indeed, anthropologist Alan Eames believes that it was the desire to have cereals to produce beer that pushed the Mesopotamian hunter-gatherer civilizations towards a sedentary lifestyle and the development of agriculture.

The usefulness, not to say the necessity, of discussing the role that wine has and will have in contemporary society derives from the importance it has played in human communities since prehistoric times, so much so that the history of wine is confused with that of humanity itself. From the first winemaking proven by archaeologists in Armenia over 4,000 years ago, wine has always had a particular importance, even sacred, in society as a drink intended for the elite, compared to beer, considered more popular.

In fact, wine has always been an element of conviviality capable, accompanied by good food, of uniting people around a table and promoting social interactions. A glass of wine, enjoyed in moderation, enriches conversations and creates moments of empathy and sharing, because wine is not just a drink, but an experience that embraces sociality and well-being. In addition to the pleasure of the palate, wine, if consumed in balance, can therefore contribute to the well-being of the individual, as well as offering a significant contribution to the economic balance of producing countries.

The greatest enemies are the improper ways of consuming it and legislators and producing companies are moving in this direction to have increasingly informed and aware consumers.

It is therefore right and ethical to reason not only about the “if”, but also about the “how” of wine consumption, in order to allow the jurist to determine adequate rules and parameters, only where there is truly a need.

The topic will be treated with the in-depth and structured approach that characterizes the work of UGIVI, making use of a set of qualified knowledge with a multidisciplinary and objective approach, as part of an international conference organized by the UGIVI President Avv. Diego Saluzzo, supported by colleagues from the Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta Delegation of the Association, which has its headquarters at the Grinzane Castle, thanks to the fruitful collaboration that has been underway for some time with the Enoteca Regionale Piemontese Cavour and the support that Banca d’Alba always provides to cultural initiatives in the area.

The first session will be dedicated to the role of wine in history, human thought and law with reports from historians, philosophers and jurists. The discussion on responsible wine consumption will follow with a round table in which doctors, psychologists, jurists and wine producers will participate.

After lunch, the work will resume with the round table on the role of wine in the economy, with the contribution of representatives of the various associations and consortia of producers and jurists. We will continue with an analysis of the prospects of low-alcohol and low-calorie wines, thanks to the interventions of university professors, jurists, winemakers and wine producers.

In conclusion, the round table to gather the thoughts of operators in the wine and spirits sector, with considerations also expressed by representatives of the Wine Tourism Movement

The conference will also include the presentation of the book “Gli Ingredienti del Vino”, promoted by UGIVI, the Turin Academy of Agriculture and OICCE and sponsored by Assoenologi, Unione Italiana Vini and Federvini, with the authors present. This is a tool aimed primarily at wine communicators to facilitate the correct understanding of additives and their functions, through simple and concise communication methods, but at the same time complete and transparent, using easy-to-read ingredient sheets.

Inside the Events Area of ​​our expo it will be possible to follow the conference in live streaming, or on demand after the event, with a recorded version and relative translation also accessible to an international audience.

Vinophila 3D Wine Expo - The metaverse for Wine, Beer and Alcoholic Beverages

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