Saturnalia: 3D maps, price and quality analytics
Via Taramelli, 24 - 27100 Pavia,
Ragione sociale: Ticinum Aerospace srl
Regione di appartenenza: lombardia
Settore: Vino
Produzione: Maps in 3D
Chi siamo
Saturnalia is a digital platform capable of providing a 360-degree immersive experience within the fine wines landscape. Thanks to the combination of satellite-derived data and AI- driven algorithms, Saturnalia is able to disclose on one platform data and analyses which normally are difficult to find or often fragmented among dozens of different sources. Saturnalia offers a wide array of services, each of which can be tailored to the customer’s specific needs and requests. They can be divided into three main clusters: 3D maps, analyses of the grape quality, analyses of prices and market trends. The elaboration of satellite-derived information is essential to generate Saturnalia dynamic 3D maps, which make users plunge directly into fine wine regions to learn about them in a totally innovative way. Up to now, Saturnalia digital atlas offers an immersive view over the most renowned vineyards in France, Italy, US, Australia and Spain, but it’s in continuous expansion. Saturnalia also provides analyses about the grape quality and prices of a vintage for the nearly 400 fine wines present in its database. Data coming from weather stations and satellites are combined to offer an overview over the quality of the selected vintage, including meteorological insights and trend comparisons. In the same way, Saturnalia works also as a provider of price analytics and market trends for the most traded labels. In addition, the team’s expertise in artificial intelligence has unlocked some predictive models which can identify both expected market trends and grape quality behaviours. Saturnalia is offered by the company Ticinum Aerospace, which originated in 2014 as a spin- off of the University of Pavia. Over the years, the project has been supported by the European Space Agency (ESA) and today is a fully operating service which has also sealed partnerships with sector companies and actors such as Vindome, JF Tobias, WiV and many more.